In a few years when i plan to commit suicide, i want it to be unique, somthing that people would say, that kid is one of the kind. When i go out i want to be remmember for doing somthing so spetacular that no one has done before when commiting suicde, i once fantasized this dream where i was on the current worlds highest building and i had a gun standing there for about three hours, i gather a large crowd of people, news reporters filming me at the top of the building, and anyone who come up to talk me out, i shoot them in the leg so they don’t stop me and then i douse myself in petrol and light myself on fire, jump off the building while on fire and i got c4 strapped all around me so when i hit the floor i will go BAM and expload !! i once dreamt that! now is that a way to go out or what!
Just one among many great methods:
Cool that would be spectacular!
But it wouldn’t last very long would it?
Like it would be on the news for a couple of days, then pffft… Gone.
What if you could do something that would really make an impression for a long time?
Like say….