I was talking to someone a couple of months ago threw a post of mine and she helped me out alot. I know her screen name but how do I find her so I can email her?
How do you find people on this website.
written by thegirlwhocryedwolf
You can search her username and she might have given someone her email in one of her comments. I might have her email if I knew who she was.
I think I know who your talking about and if it’s her, she sent me an email saying that her computer had gone wrong. I can give you her email if you like.
her name is Amakua2309 i searched for her but i cant seem to find her.
Hey how’s it amakua is still lurking now and again on her daughters computer send me your email address and I will forward you her email I just don’t want to name her on here for obvious reasons regards (hi duke)xxxx
my email address is aj1991@rocketmail.com
If she doesn’t respond it’s not because she’s ignoring you. Her computer blew up or something.
oh ok thanks
um i never got your email?.
Ok, I will send you one.
ok thank you
Did you get it?