im staying at my friends house ., she isn’t here and i feel like im going to kill myself i just carn’t stop crying and thinking about sliting my wrists and up my arms to i bleed out im shaking i just carn’t live anymore all guys want to do is use me and make me feel like a prostitue idk what to do anymore iv tried everything nothing works !!! i have a razor blade in my hand i can feel it touch my skin
i feel like im gonna do something stupid
written by kristannaisneardeath
Woah, slow down hun.
Put the razor blade down, if you slit up your arms it will hurt and bleed a huge amount and it will take a long time to die, and if you change your mind halfway through it might be too late.
Where is your friend? Is anyone there with you at all? If not, call somebody. Try and distract yourself, let yourself think this through clearly.
You are not a prostitute, no matter what some idiots have dont to you in the past, don’t let them make you feel as though you have no value. Don’t let jerks control whether you live or die, there is so much in life to live for.
my friend is out and im completly alone there is no one to call
Why don’t you call either this: or this:
They will listen to you and not judge anything you say. (I emailed Samaritans and they emailed back the same day to check I was okay)
What’s going on at the moment? Will your friend be back soon? Are their parents in (or does she live alone?). What’s going on with you, you mentioned guys not treating you well, what else is making you feel this is the end of the road?
just do a little tiny cut, the pain is distracting and nice. just dont go over board just enough for a distraction. it helps x
im fine now i cut slut deep into my leg so im fine