I swear if i hear one more person tell me im young and too naive to truly grasp what life is really about im going to go on a killing spree (not really, but im definitely going to scream at the top of my lungs) i have honestly had more life experience than most of the “adults” i know. ive had to deal with things most people could never even imagine, most things people would NEVER even want to imagine. Ive had to be strong in situations ive seen “adults” just crumble to pieces in. Who do you think takes care of the “adults”? we do, the youth do because the kids of my generation are the strongest bunch of people ive ever met. and its not to say i havent met my fair share of adults and heard there stories i have. i just feel the children of my generation had to grow up so much faster than most other generations. I had already known about sex, drugs, murder, and suicide by the time i was 12. And i had to completely fend for myself by the time i was 13. i know what im saying doesnt apply to all of you but i know theres that select few browsing through all these posts and maybe if you stumble upon mine it’ll make you feel not so alone? Maybe knowing you’re not the only one going through all the hurt and pain can make you fight just one more day. Unfortunately theres more of us out there, but fortunately for you our kind stick together.
It would be interesting if we could balance those old people in our governments and leadership positions with younger people.
Get some fresh new ideas brewing.
Something to actually adress the problems of the youth and your up and coming inheritance of society.
I understand where your coming from. I am thinking the exact same thing. Email me sometime. MissMeganJoy16@yahoo.com
I know, I’m tired of people telling me I just don’t understand. Being young has nothing to do with anything. The older I get the more I start to realize that all the adults who were supposed to be teaching me, are actually some of the most ignorant, inexperienced and just plain stupid people I’ve spoken to. They may know less about the world and life in general (if that’s possible) than I do. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re naive, there’s nothing naive in what you’ve said.
I know, I’m tired of people telling me I just don’t understand. Being young has nothing to do with anything. The older I get the more I start to realize that all the adults who were supposed to be teaching me, are actually some of the most ignorant, inexperienced and just plain stupid people I’ve spoken to. They may know less about the world and life in general (if that’s possible) than I do. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re naive, there’s nothing naive in what you’ve said.
As an adult, I’d say it has nothing to do with age. I know plenty of young people who have it together more than adults and I know plenty of teens who are entitled and selfish and clueless (as are many adults). I think the biggest problem is that there is this social construct that age means something. As if the day you turn 18, you know everything. Or that the opinions of someone under 18 don’t matter or that you’re too weak to make decisions. No. It’s just a stupid system in a world of stupid systems.