Well, I don´t know what´s wrong with me, I feel heavy and lazy, like If I wouldn´t want to do anything, just die. All started because I lost my job and now I feel Like I don´t want to work any more. I have chances to start working but I have rejected by making up excuses. I feel That these last years I have lived in a way I have never wanted. I haven´t had what I had wanted. I thought I was smarter now I feel stupid. Anyway In these days  I have been thinking about ending up my life. I am about to be 25 years, within two days and I feel I have to surrender live, this bitterness does not go. I am not the guy I used to be some years ago, I feel shame for myself. I am not good at anything. I should die because I can´t stand this anymore, I was not strong enough to survive this crap so I am thinking about how to end my sadness to my almost 25 years. I will let you know my decision. So long bye bye
Your depressed you are not lazy, you feel the way you do because depression takes over your thoughts. Might i suggest asking for professional help before you make the decision to end it.
Please, let yourself be shameless, you have every right to decide how you want to feel.
We are all in this together. Do not let this world screw you over.
Do what ever makes you feel better, as long as you don’t hurt yourself or anyone. If this means “being lazy” which is not what you are, just what it feels like, then be lazy.
I try this technique and it helps me immensely because it makes me feel strong because I am not giving up, but at least holding on.
If you are scared, keep telling yourself this: feel the fear and do it anyway.
accept the fear, invite it, welcome it. It won’t be so scary if you look it in the eyes.