It’s fuckin’ 0240 and I’m wide awake. Not to mention that I have 4 hours of softball practice tomorrow and 1 hour of gym class plus whatever shit I have to do around the house. Isn’t this fuckin’ outstanding?
It’s fuckin’ 0240 and I’m wide awake. Not to mention that I have 4 hours of softball practice tomorrow and 1 hour of gym class plus whatever shit I have to do around the house. Isn’t this fuckin’ outstanding?
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It’s 2:14 where I’m from.Four hours of volleyball practice?Damn Isent that to much?
Well drink. I sleep at work so I’m up 8 hrs then sleep 5 hrs then up another 8. And down 4. It changes ur rem cycle.
Ha It’s like everybody likes to drink but me.Ill drink probably one or two beers and then I have the sensation of wantinq to throw up,my stomach just rejects alcohol.It’s okay tho,I’m a smoker,I want a sweet riqht now!
You should be in great shape then.
5 hours of active exercise a day.