Yesterday, I hope you all had a sad Day of Silence Day, which is what i like to call it, just to be annoying and redundant. If you do not know already, the Day of Silence (Day) is for people who were bullied and harrassed due to their homosexuality, so for the whole day, you are not to speak a word, to feel what it is like to not speak your beliefs if you do not already. i’m for gay rights- or really any type of equality- so i did -or attempted to not- to talk all day. but i feel that the Day of Silence is for us too, us in-the-closet suicidals, as i am fond of call it. i guess you must be, at least for now,  since your on this website. I suppose I’d like it if i could be silent now and forever. I want to die by being hit by a bus, and felt this way for a while. i don’t want any to know i was attempting to commit suicide, as if it was just ‘an accident’. but i’m worried that a few people i know will understand it was a suicide attempt, and then the whole string will unravel. so i’m having second thoughts about dying in this fashion. also, i’m overthinking a bit and wondering what would happen if i am to survive. buses are known to be slow…. if i live, them i definately can not attempt again, at least for a few years. perhaps i could purshase some poison and drink it right before i walk it the road?
Poison is highly ineffective. You’ll probs just wake up in excruciating pain and crippled.
Bus is a bad idea, you would probably end up in a wheelchair and for sure you’d make like fifty people late or something.
And besides have you seen the news?
Gay rights as an issue is no where near solved so I think you should consider sticking around to lead some more protests!
Until you turnaround, you will never know how many followers you really have.
on shanti
well, i meant a school bus, and i would try to wait until it was all empty except for the driver. i definately don’t want to be put in an situation where i’m alive and need to be taken care of physically for the reast of my life, especially if i lose some of my memories…
That’s good advice you have for yourself.
I hope some one hears it,
Like you!
Damn It!First the qay,lesbian allience (I think thats It?) and now this!I wish I would’ve known ahead of time!Ha now I know why your the bus qirl.That sounds painful tho and they do qo slow.
yeah, but i kind of feel like i have to do it this way, you know? there’s not really any other way for me. i guess you could kind of say i’m ‘symbolic’ since this is all because of something that occur in my past. it would be like going in a full circle, or ironically, ‘confronting my past’ if i die by being hit by a school bus. it’s just something i find funny.