He promised me i could trust him, he promised me i could believe in him, he promised me he would care for me, he promised me he would never make me cry, he promised he would catch me if i fell, but most of all he promised me he truly loved me…… But guess what?! Every single one of those promises were a lie! He broke me. It felt like he had just suddenly leaned forward and ripped my heart out. And now i have a huge whole inside of me, which gives me the feelings of lonelyness, helpless, sadness…..suicidal…
Hey, I have a semi-boyfriend and he says the same things, but he truely is there for me. He has proved himself. But that’s not what I want to tell you. I had a best friend who said the same things to me and then she stabbed me in the back and betrayed me in my worst time ever. It hurts it really does. It has been over a month since it happened, but i still think about it everyday and hurt everyday. I am mad at her everyday because of what she put me through and her promising me things. You are not alone though.
@determined-rebel: thx for letting me know i’m not alone! It’s just when you trust somebody so much and they betray you just like that it hurts! It hurst alot, even now (and this guy was two years ago) i’m still in hurt about it and yet if you would ask me what i feel for him i would still anwser: i love him! That is what pisses me of the most: that i’m not angry!! 😛
Yeah that would piss me off too. I think that if my ex best friend ever talked to me I might be able to forgive her and I still love her as a friend. That makes me mad too.