hi im new here and i dont know how i should start off…. but i guess i can tell you some background story…. ive been suicidal for a really long time now. when i was around 6 or 7 i tried to kill myself… i slit my wrist but sadly it was not deep enough to finish me off… ive been struggling with this depression on and off and i dont know what to do anymore… i can feel the thing inside me getting stronger… the urge to kill myself… ive caught myself a few times and stoped what i was doing or going to do… but at times its hard to just stop… 🙁
I am sorry to hear you like myself are struggling everyday. But i am guessing you still have some hope that things can change. Posting here for starters, good first step.. Everything starts with a step. I am sorry to hear you have had to deal with this darkness for so long, though i hope looking back it hasnt always been so dark, there will have been lighter times too.
What happened at 7 for you to try and take your own life so young. I started self harming at 3 years old, its in built to me, i was bullied quite badly at school.
I hope you can find some inner strenght, to carry on fighting. Many of us here in the community feel like you do, but we support each other, i hope i am able to help, *hug*
thanx *hugs bak* but when i was seven i was bullied a lot as well and everyone just hated me… constantly my dad would make fun of me and he would always hit me… and my mother she wasnt in my life anymore so i was struggling with that… the class one day decided to pretend to be my friend for around a month and after they got what they wanted from me they all said we were just using you… and my so called close friends told me to go die they all did so then i tried to end it cause the pain inside was just too much for me to bare :'(