Screw you
I hate you
You’re no good at anything
Everyone hates you
Why can’t you be more like your brothersistermother
I wish you were dead
They’d be better off without me
I wish I was dead
Sound familiar ?
Does someone in your life speak to you this way ?
Do you speak to yourself this way ?
This is the voice.
The voice in your own head that torments you when you walk into class, work, the mall, even home.
Especially home!
We all have it, our own personal zombie cheer leading squad that makes us feel like crap, tears us down, begs us to kill ourselves.
What is it ?
Where did it come from ?
Can you stop it ?
Can I ?
Just watch me.
Imagine freedom from these terrible thoughts.
Imagine peace.
Am I telling you that suicide is ok because it will free you from your own destructive thoughts ?
I’m telling you that you can learn to stop your own negative thinking patterns and accept who you are in this life, this day, this moment.
I can show you.
Just watch me.
The jumble of horrible voices in your head is the sound of your mind.
Your own mind pretending to be you, but acting like your worst enemy.
Guess what ?
You are a person, a human being, a being.
Life expressed as matter in this moment.
Just by being, you are perfect.
I know, I know, your thoughts disagree with me.
But they are just thoughts, nothing more.
Would you insult your own best friend the way you sometimes insult yourself ?
Be your own best friend, be good to yourself.
If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.
Listen to your own thoughts.
Learn to catch yourself when you start negative self talk.
Tell yourself to stop.
Become the watcher, watch your own mind, stop your hurtful thoughts.
How many minutes can you go without thinking anything at all ?
Each minute will bring you a lifetime of peace.
Because you are wise you are probably wondering how your mind can be thinking thoughts, and you can be watching it think ?
If that’s possible, then who’s doing the thinking and who is watching ?
You are the watcher, you are a being, living, breathing, perfection.
The thoughts you watch and hear in your head are just noise that tricks you into thinking its you.
But it’s not you is it ?
This is the meaning of meditation, of spiritual practice, of becoming one with the most perfect beautiful being of them all;
So, this is the person who commented on my post ‘Never’….I like it. Thank you so much for the comment, and this post. Have to say, it inspires me quite a bit to love myself, be my own best friend. I think you deserve a standing ovation. Cheers mate!
That’s an interesting perspective. I do believe that I am my mind, in a way. It is such that I am also my body. Without certain parts of my body, or without a body at all, I do not exist. Without certain parts of my brain, or without a brain at all, I do not exist. You say that these ‘thoughts’ are tormenting… but they aren’t, really. Certain Christians label it as ‘The Dark Side’, saying that it is your sinful self trying to hold onto what is unholy. Others think that the voices are ghost or that they are going crazy.
I believe that this voice (or voices) are just another figment of our imagination. When we feel incredibly sad, whether it be due to a chemical imbalance or that you are truly done with living, our body’s natural instinct kicks in. The instinct to survive at any cost. So what does it do? It entertains your desires. You start to notice that you lack the energy to do certain things. That you have lost interest in previously enjoyable activities. That suicidal thoughts have begun to appear at of no where. And it begins to fuck with you…
In the end, I am not a doctor nor have I truly attempted to murder myself, so my opinion is just another one of millions over the internet. I think that your speech is nice, but it’s unrealistic. If you are mentally unstable or clinically depressed, then no amount of willpower, religion, or ‘inner-power’ can give you control. You would need external help from professionals and/or family members.
So… no. I am not me. I am an particuarly strange organism that happens to be self-aware. This self-awareness comes off in two ways: The ability to think off-handedly or pull things from memory (such as knowing automatically that 2+2=4) is our mind. The ability to think and reason and act upon morals or personal preference is us. So… in reality, it is WE… or, our ‘soul’, that chooses to cease living.
Thank you.
Yes you are correct, it is an odd perspective, and not entirely mine either.
It stems from Zen, the practice of the quiet mind.
The importance of this idea for this site is that often our own negative thoughts cause emotional crisis for us.
The idea then is to practice not thinking.
To accept your life as it is in this moment, no future, no past.
And yes, for some, schizophrenics for example, medication may be the only way to quiet the mind.
In my view though, in regard to your last paragraph, the “us” part is the part that watches all f the thoughts you describe.
I view thinking ad a valuable tool that we use to solve problems.
The question is, can you put the tool down? Can you turn it off?