I don’t know what to do, I can’t seem to keep going like this, it has been 10 years in a slow descent into oblivion, it hurts so much now just to wake up, but I can’t do it, it would hurt others, and that would be selfish of me. My best friend A, has a boyfriend, but she is the only person who makes me better, but I cant hurt her, and I am leaving soon by asking her to do things with me because people are judgmental assholes. I think of better and better ways to kill myself, and with more than 30 episodes of this a day, the constant pain I feel, I dont know what to do. She has helped me so much, just keeping me going by being her, and I hate that I have done nothing for her, and have caused people to look at her a little different because she is hanging out with me sometimes when she already has a boyfriend. She told me I am an amazing person, just be patient, so now I am scared because she has been spending more and more time with me, even though she knows nothing of the pain I am in, and I know I am leaving soon, but the pain is gone when she is there, I am so fucking confused, and it hurts so much, I cant think straight, so sorry this doesnt make much sense. Help, but only if you want.
We all know what it’s like here to hurt and be confused. As far as your friend goes, she sounds like an amazing person and seems to me like she wants to give to you. Maybe she doesn’t need anything right now, but maybe someday she will need something that only you will be able to provide and she will be glad that she was always there for you.
I too have also been in a downward spiral for roughly about 10 years like you. I wish I had some magical words to give you (& myself) that would change the downward Trajection. Some like
yada yada yada yada…… abracadabra YOUR FIX!!! But unfortunately I all I wish to offer is a hope that these feels of depression and “less than” thought will soon leave to have self fulfillment and happiness takes its place.
I know the feeling if being trap for so long.
Let’s hope