Why continue with something that keeps me in a permanent state of unhappiness? Once you over examine your life like I have, you will realise just how fucking pointless it is. The way that humanity has turned out, is pointless. After all life just replicates itself with the seasons passing, and will continue to do so with us or without us.  We are not free people to who live freely, we have been chained to the monetary system, from which there is no escape.
Life’s subjective purpose is to procreate. It’s objective is something I Â can only speculate as being meaningless in the end. Nothing really fucking matters at all. Whether we continue to exist as a life form only matters to those being born until they too see the futility of life. We are freaks of natural events and can either exist or expire….it doesn’t really matter either way since individually we will never know we existed in the first place once we die.
I can’t find any good in this world.
Music is good 🙂
I’m (severely) bothered by these things, too. Looking at humanity from an objective stance will naturally lead to revelations regarding the complete and utter meaninglessness of everything. You are right; it the grand scheme of things, we individuals do NOT matter.
But we do not live in an objective world. That’s part of what makes us human beings. We matter on smaller scales. We can care about things, irrelevant-seeming things-things other creatures never consider. We can CREATE, you know?
Or something…I dunno.
I’m just a kid, after all.
P.S. Looking at your other posts, I see you live in Ireland- but I live in the most capitalistic , consumerist society on our planet Earth. (Yup, the USA.) But you know, even if we can’t escape it, we can freaking ignore it. Or something, haha.
@fourofcups: I think being American is a setup for depression and suicide unless you’re a greedy selfish asshole. 🙁 If you have dreams or passions in this country, you’re screwed.
@Birdy— Yes, music is good. Its a huge part of my life.
@fourofcups– For a kid, you do speak a lot of sense.
I live in the US and you are right it is tough to live here in this materialistic, capitalistic and vanity ridden country but you can chose to ignore the B.S. You can chose what to focus on.
It’s the same everywhere in the world. Some teams are in the premier league, others the second division. The game is still the same.
This is something I also think about a lot. I have personally found pleasure in music and art, but it just doesn’t feel the same when I can’t do those things myself.
But really it just feels like our lives are not worth anything unless you are rich, well educated and have connections.
My half-brother is a good example, he is really the only one in our family that “got” somewhere he has money, power and bright future.
So, what does he do? Cuts all connections to rest of us because we are just a bunch of poor losers. Would not want his good reputation get soiled because of us.
Sorry I started ranting…
Anyway.. I have heard that life is what you make of it. So I guess I can’t really blame anyone else, but myself if my life sucks.
Life and everything is pointless. I totally agree, no matter what you do its all doomed to failure regardless of what’s your status in life. Yes, having money, power, etc will make your existence here MUCH more tolerable (if not downright enjoyable and fun for the vast majority of your time mainly because it will make you ignore the obvious atrocities of life) but its still nothing and means nothing.