my entire life, im always surrounded by cow heads,people that expect apologies when i lose myself, but they are always inocent,wen i do something wrong thats why im the first one to admit it, ill literally call myself out because it pisses me off wen other people do and i aint afraid of admiting shit,but i have so much rage inside me just boiling, and certain things, only certain things, have been happening repeatedly my whole life, so a year ago i lost the last of my trust for people, i shut everyone off, and i am content, as long as i dont let people trick me,i hate people that will say or do something bad to me and not apoligize, but expect shit out a me, every where i go dozens of people expect me to respect them but think they dont have to respect me, sick a being treated less then human,nothing changes,its like everyone is the same, i almost cant believe it, like im cursed,im never gonna allow another peice of shit in my life again,.so many people convince you they care and wont leave, or give up on you, and they do, you can trust anyone in this world, unless your one a those lucky jerks who has it made,
1 comment
That’s pretty much the story of my life. I’m trying really hard to learn how to handle it.