im scared of letting people know about my suicide thoughts, im scared on how they will react and what they would say. there are only 3 people in the world that ive told and 2/3 have forgotten about it and the other one died… im scared in what i’d do to myself in an hour and even in a day.. i cant trust myself or anyone else with this secret… no matter how hard i try to get better, it seems like i have nothing to live for…. and then i just quit, after a few hours of thinking i truly have nothing to live for, no one cares for me not even my parents they even told me i was a mistake, i practically raised myself, my friends are not so great and im not so great either and im just afraid on what will happen next :'(
That’s why we are here.
You can tell us.
We will listen.
yea i guess your right… thank you
I can relate my parents gave me free reign my whole life so I raised myself
@wolfenstein666 oh at one point i kinda wished my parents where there for me even though they ignored me and constantly made fun of me… the bright side my mom is slightly making up for it now
I can relate. I had left high school with NO friends. They were very good with me at first and i could relate to them ALOT but as they just became more popular i was drown out. It hurt and still does. I made one friend while being in the navy because he is not out to fuck everyone over for the fun of it like any other sailor. But I can’t tell him that i hate life this much and that i will kill myself when i go on terminal leave ( last vacation while on active duty) . I can’t tell my dad or my sister, anyone, because if i do they will call the cops and have me locked in a mental asylum and i will lose everything and i wouldn’t be able to afford my guns and ropes and my car as to which I am going to do the deed with. Or maybe the cops will just take my guns and my car.
But when i feel fear or uncertainty i turn to myself and my own beleif ; i exit this world i will have riches and freedom and all the good things that i have managed to squeeze out of this world to bring with me to live without time and decay,
I will be free. That is what i tell myself more and more. I have to focus on that and let it become inspiration in my heart. It is the only way i am going to finish doing what little i love on this world so i can bring it to my world and never forget about it.
@ftw0990 thats a sad story
You have ALOT to live for. & You are a great individual, your fantastic & i will care for you. I will always be here for you to talk to. You can also email me …Please don’t be a stanger -Your Friend TheListner-
@thelistener thank you