When I was little my mom and dad would fight, a lot. And that would always end with my dad yelling at my mom and then him hitting her. He would hit her right in front of me and she would cry, and then I would cry. And then my dad would ask me why I’m crying because I’m not the one who’s being hit. It’s been awhile since then and somewhere along the way he stopped being abusive, they still fight and he still yells but he doesn’t hit her anymore. He does sometimes hit me though, one time he slapped me because I was talking back to him, and sometimes he hits me when I get bad grades, that’s pretty rare though, he usually just yells at me and tells me things like I’m never going to get anywhere in life and I’m stupid, and that when I grow up I’ll be a hobo or dig graves. He’s one of the resons why I’m depressed, I’m actually afraid of him, sometimes when I get a bad grade and he gets home I can’t stop myself from shaking. He does love me though, I know that he does and I do love him too. I’m writing all of this here because I’m hoping that telling it to somebody will make me feel better.
What you are going through is very common. It won’t always be that way.
What he is doing to you is abuse. He may love you but he needs help and that’s the only way things are gonna get better.
You are still young, but you must never forget to take time to find someone to help you heal from this trauma.
It is very important that as you get older, you are control of getting help.
Good luck.
You will never forget what he’s doing to you. You will be able to live with it, but you will never forget how you felt, when you and your momo got beaten, or when you came home from school with bad grades. Therefore, when ever an unexpected person reach out to help you – to talk with you – a person that you trust – then take the chance and tell everything about how you feel. And keep writing to the world. This will help you feeling better. This is how I deal with my feelings for my dad. I’ll never forget how he physically forced me down, when I was too little to fight back and my thoughts were “I can’t do anything now, but when I grow up, I’ll become stronger than him and I’ll beat him up”.
All the best to you.