Everyday I wake up wondering why am I still alive! Everyday I think of so many ways to just end my life. I cry soo much everyday .. Im so alone and hurting I cant tell anyone around because they will call me crazy but im not! I just want it to be over I dont want this pain. No one can see how alone or how bad things really are. I am useless and coward. People who look at me think wow shes got the world at her finger tips.. I dont wanna have to be perfect anymore.. I just want it all to be over I want peace thats all I want.. Just peace
I wrote a post on here called;
the Suicide
Search for it and read it,
Let me know what you think?
Good luck
Don’t. You’re probably a beautiful girl that could get anything her heart desires without even trying that hard. I know that you might not listen to me since I’m only 14, but girls like you have it so lucky in life from everyone else’s perspective. This isnt true with you, but just talk with a couple people about how you don’t wanna be the perfect girl anymore. Get a boyfriend who will listen to you and be able to comfort you. And finally, know that you have the self worth to live through your entire life.
Ive been with my boyfriend for 2yrs hes a great guy… But this is so much deeper
Okay… Well even though I’m only 14, I can listen pretty well. So if you wanna talk, I’m here if you wanna.
I hope you can talk to me instead of taking action on yourself…