Its odd for me because being suicidal has left me down low but at the same time It has been freeing. I feel like now I can do whatever I want to and I don’t care. I am a good person so I am kept in check there, but I feel like now what ever I want to do I should. Thats the only way I can really live. I could never get a boring job and spend my life for a little money to survive and living mediocrity and boredom. Now I don’t ever have to because survival isn’t a priority, I would rather live three more years with total freedom doing what I choose. than living into old age conforming to society.
Yes. I hate the restricting society levels. Go to school, get a job, go to college, get married, have kids, retire, die. Nope. I want to do what I want when I want and not conform to the steorotypical plan of life. No no no.
@ Determind_Rebel Yeah, You tell them
But deep down I would like those things and I have already achieved two of them. I get paid on Friday so Im going to buy a crate of beer. If you don’t hear from me, it is because I am following your example and doing exactly what I want. I’m not dead or anything. Definately not.
“Now I don’t ever have to because survival isn’t a priority, I would rather live three more years with total freedom doing what I choose”
I hear ya
I’ve decided to spend the rest of my life doing what feels right, not what some people tried to convince me is right .. I think it’s a brave decision because we’re conditioned from an early age to think and behave a certain way to be accepted
I like what truthbetold says…that is the truth as I see it too…we’re conditioned to feed the system like robots…going to school is like be prepared for the working world…which is not in alignment with the way nature works. Do what feels good and right for you…we all best learn to be more selfish. It is actually a huge positive in terms of our own contentment & peace. Cheers!
All I can say is go you