Dear Chris,
Your a creepy mother fucker. I hope you fucking know I hate your guts. Just because i’m not like all other fucking girls does NOT mean i’m a lesbian. Go fuck yourself man. Grow a pair of balls and live the real fucking world. Your the waste of space, your the piece of shit. Not your amazing, funny, smart, fucking beautiful girlfriend, who could by the way do 150% better then your sorry ass. Go away. Im glad I stood up to you today. Im sick and tired of myself and everyone having to deal with you. You are sick in the head and your fucking innocent peoples lives up. Threatening people, hitting my friend, calling people down, being so innapropriatley sexual to the point where it makes peoe uncomfortable. GO AWAY.
That was a very… Hateful post. He probably deserves it though huh
I know. I don’t usually have this much hatred towards people. Honestly he makes me go crazy. Trust me, he deserves it. He just got out of jail. Hes fucked. Lol and I needed somewhere to vent to. :s
It’s good though to write down your feelings/hatred towards people. I’m surprised no ones has beaten him up at school yet
Oh no. Lol you see. My friend had this guy as a boyfriend before he went to jail. So when he was in jain she tried breaking up with him and he wouldnt let it happen. So when he got oug he sorta just came to her house, moved in and started cotrolling the place. Eventually all her friends stoped coming around because of him. She os depressed and dropped out and he just wont leave. Hea abusive and talks about her future. He says im gonna get her pregnant 18 times and while shes busy i gonna sit in my ass, because im a guy. I just want him to go away. It would be better for everybody. And now I finally stuck up to him and said hes a jerk. And basically fucked his day up.
Good. Why hasn’t he called the police?
Well today she threatened to tell. And he just says ‘your a rat. Your a tattle tale. You cant keep your mouth shut’ I mean.. Its a bit controlling and manipulitave of you ask me.. Shes afraid.. She texted me and told me it’s most likely breaking up with him tonight.. I just hope it goes well. And the saddest part is all my friend wants is love.. Honestly. She wants to be loved and love back so much..
She.. Typo
Well he’s not the right guy that’s for sure. She can find a way better guy than him
I completley agree. I hope he peaces out..
Me too 🙂 best of luck Zoe hope to hear from you soon.
you are right my zoe hey chris CHINGA TU MADRE . Zoe you are adorable person and i admire you because now you becoming brave hey i have story to tell you what happene yesterday to me. Love bebe