Just a reminder nbarules is a mor(m)on and tries to make people here feel worse. Hey nba http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x_-IoeSB-A&feature=related seriously!
Just a reminder nbarules is a mor(m)on and tries to make people here feel worse. Hey nba http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x_-IoeSB-A&feature=related seriously!
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If that’s true, tell the admins
I would but he provides me with alot of cheap entertainment so I’m hesitant to and also he just makes a new account with one number higher after the nbarules part
Thats stupid. Can’t they like ban him from using the same email adress? Idk I just don’t think it’s right for him to be here if that’s all he does
It takes 5 minutes to make a new email and if they ip ban he could use a proxy.
@wolfenstien i hear you. I’ve spent my life being the target of people who are sore bored from rich prveledge that they need to hate people for entertainment. I’m oer being angry – now I just find it pathetic
Um did i not apoligize?
Well I made this post before you apologized. I haven’t said anything bad about you since the apology.
Oh okay