It’s funny not many people ask about my scars. But today someone i worked with saw them and asked. I actually stumbled over my words. I didnt know how to answer. Reading back over that, not funny. But you all know what i mean. Anyway I made some excuse about them being caused by me fallig off a motorbike at my cousins house. Which i do have one scar from. On my thigh. I know she didnt beleive me because of how they are positioned and some are new. And the fact that I told her it was nothing to start off with. Any suggestions on how to deal with that for in the future? I usually wear sleeves but I wasnt expectig to go to work when i did.
Yes my suggestion is stop cutting lol its pointless. Next time you’re upset do some exercise.
I noticed if i turn the conversation on them and ask them questions most of the time people tend to forget they asked a question towards you and answer urs. Make sense? Turn the subject towards them basically.
^ cutting isn’t “pointless”. It’s not exactly the best thing you can do, but it’s not pointless to the person. I just posted this poem I wrote a while ago about it. I’ll copy it to this comment to define how it’s not pointless.
Have you ever been hurt?
But I don’t mean for real.
I mean the kind that can’t be seen,
the kind only you can feel.
You keep it to yourself
the feelings you’ve come to accept.
But still, every time you look in the mirror
all you see is a fucking reject.
This pain will build
it rises, boils, and burns.
Sometimes it fades away
but often it returns.
Emotions at a maximum,
heartbeats in a rush.
Some only hold so long
before the pain is too much.
With razor in hand,
slowly dragging across skin.
Not bleeding blood,
bleeding pain from within.
Rage, sadness,
disgust, guilt.
Running down your wrist
with the rest of your filth.
Not trying to die,
but just trying to live.
To ease a secret struggle
because you don’t want yourself to give.
In minutes, it’s gone,
comfort as tears run dry.
But when the cuts heal over
everything’s stuck back inside.
They can’t be contained
they always need back out.
The lust, the euphoria,
fixing the pain nobody knows about.
The need never disappears,
it’s not something you out grow.
But unless you’ve been a cutter,
they’re feelings you’ll never know.
ktuck- thanks. i like it. do i have your permission to print it out?
thebunny- i will try to remember that. i just seem to freeze like a rabbit in a spotlight when i am asked about them. not intentionally, it just happens.
thousandcuts- i do exercise. part of my work is that all i do is exercise. sometimes that is what causes my stress and the need to find a way to let it out. to me its a release when i can’t calm down or am over stressed or even anxious or very very down in the dumps. i have tried to stop but sometimes the need is to great.