I can’t even believe it, the complete level of stupidity in humanity. Society fucks the world up and ruins life for everybody who actually thinks, then people say “suicide is the cowards way out” Here are the arguments for why suicide is wrong 1) God says its wrong 2) Life is precious 3) Think of your parents 4) Its not your life to take its god’s 1- Some invisible all powerful wizard will be mad at me okay sure. 2 Life is not precious if you cannot enjoy it 3- They are the reason I even have to kill myself, so thinking about their feelings is a joke 4- Again invisible sky wizard. I get so mad when people actually insult people who are suicide or people who have died from suicide. That shows how stupid people really are. I try to find the truth in life but it is buried. The worst though is that after abuse, hatred, pain, and finally a suicide attempt you go into a mental “treatment” place and the staff there don’t even care. That is the all time fucking worst that the place to help abused people is run by abusive people.
Also the quote “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” Is one of the most idiotic quotes ever because: 1) Its not true most of the time suicide is the only solution 2) Its completely useless and not helpful. Any body who uses that quote is an idiot in my opinion.
1) Screw him!
2) True
3) Fuck’em!
4) It is my life, nobody else’s
Whether you believe in God or not right and wrong is in your hands. People in society have always thought suicide as bad which is why it is continously seen this way. It is your choice what you are going to do with your life; live it the way you want and if it’s your choice you shouldn’t be hurt by it. Life does have it’s ups and downs but if you hang on you eventually find that things get to some sort of balance and better then the situation you were in before; an impasse.
That is one of the reasons why most people give up with attempts. They don’t want to end up in a mental hospital and there is no reliable method that can be obtained. What other options do we have left then?
I know thats why I will either do it or not do it and never fuck around with attempts again. I hate how you can be put in a metal hospital that is really fucking sick.
I have to disagree Shadows – suicide was often thought of as honorable in many cultures – just not most western/christian cultures
kamikaze dawg
Wolfenstein666@ I’ve only been to a mental hospital once and seriously it is the things of nightmares to me. I’d rather keep my depressed state to myself. I’m thankful that they still don’t have shock treatments; banned in many countries. Some things like therapy does often have some meaning to it. 1% cure is better then none right.
Dawg@ That is true a lot of it does come from Hinduism and Jainism but even though suicide was permitted as honourable it was usually in the sense of sacrafices to God, or dying for your religion. I suppose they are reasons for suicide but not exactly the type I was thinking of.
I’ve never been to a mental hospital… what’s it like??
^It it completely unhelpful, stressful, and can easily make you lose any faith in humanity you have left.
^ I wholeheartedly agree