That preaty much says it all.please kill me im to scared to do it myself.pain is so one loves me any more.or at least the important one doesnt.please pray for my death.i would be much obliged
That preaty much says it all.please kill me im to scared to do it myself.pain is so one loves me any more.or at least the important one doesnt.please pray for my death.i would be much obliged
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God will not answer your prayer for death. he did not answer mine when I was a child when I was being hurt. I would not follow him now if he stood in front of me and demanded I kneel. I cannot follow a God that allows so much pain in the world.
I write a letter to God every night asking him to take me with him soon, because i have not enough courage to take charge of my own life, its scary, and i can’t leave my family behind. I’m just a burden to them, I wish they would be happy after i left. One day I will have the courage to leave, and its coming soon enough. waiting…
life is bullshit seriously, i cant be f’d anymore but i’me scared to do it ,something always stops me why am i so pathetic i cant even kill myself properly ime a waste of space