While I”m at work, the grocery store or anyplace else there are people and some part of someones skin touches some part of my skin, I notice. It doesn’t happen very often. I will go months without ever coming into physical contact with another human being. When it does happen, like when a cashier hands me back change and their fingers slide against mine for a fraction of a second, I get goose bumps. I have to steel myself and look away so I don’t start crying. The memory of the contact will stay on my skin for hours. I think people need physical contact as much as air and water. I want someone to purposefully touch my skin often enough so I don’t notice it when a stranger does it by accident.
Sometimes, in their darkest moments, I get calls.
And I ride out to them, no matter where they be.
And I do as they ask.
I hold them, if only for a moment.
I understand that completely, don’t have much in the way of advice just wanted to say I get it.