Reached the last straw today. Gonna do some self-immolation on the ex-wife’s lawn in the next few days. I’m going to get so fucked on coke and heroin that I won’t feel it. Just don’t give a shit anymore. So what if it “proves them right.” I’m sick of being homeless and I don’t want to go to jail. I can’t pay her anymore. The bank is dried up. Just going to take my life-long indentured servitude forced upon me by this great country and shove it up the establishment’s ass. They got nothing else to take. I’ll just give them a gruesome memory that won’t get out of their heads.
Interesting, I would like to go up to the person I hate the most, put a shotgun to my head, and blow my brain all over their face at very close range
I think seeing a person sitting cross-legged on the lawn set ablaze in view of all of her friends and neighbors would send a huge message of “fuck you”. Plus, maybe I’ll make the news as one of these “zombies”. That’d be badass as fuck.
I’ve been drinking all day so I’m wasted, stealing wifi from some family from my car, and don’t give a shit anymore.
I dont know why these other people are encouraging you to do this… I may not know you but i sure as hell know that your worth a lot more than getting “cracked out” and subsequently ending your life. Time heals all wounds. This is just a rough patch and things will get better. You need to go to the hospital for a few weeks, gets some sleep some help and hopefully they’ll help you resolve your drug problem and you can get back on your feet. Everyone deserves a chance at life but you only have one so instead of givin up strive forward… Im here for ya;)
Wish I could’ve spoken to you first. RIP Quad.