Dawg. He used to be on here a lot, where is he? Has he finally done it? I miss his wisdom and experience. Dawg was one of the best.
Dawg. He used to be on here a lot, where is he? Has he finally done it? I miss his wisdom and experience. Dawg was one of the best.
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Hi Khajiit, i just joined yesterday, i didn’t know of this person. It’s sad to think that this may have occured but like i’ve always said. who are we to judge what somebody thinks. Obviously they feel they’ve done what they’ve thought was best. whether that meant move on off the site or something else. Stay strong, Hold your head high. Take care.
Dawg IS still one of the best 🙂 We all miss you Dawg, please comment soon!
Sorry guys – still here … the big dustup among SP veterans left me mentally drained … and I’ve had some personal matters that diverted my attention. It’s heartening to know that my experience is valued to some degree. often times I think I’m sometimes wasting my time when I relay what I’ve learned because it’s “old school’
thanks for the kind and caring words – it makes me smile
humble dawg
I missed the dust up apart from a little hiccup from the duke…
you are still here 🙂
@molly – that was pretty much it … some things were said involving speculation that were kind of out of context of the thread (in my opinion) and probably should have been addressed privately … things got ugly so i bowed out for a bit … plus I had some real world stuff to deal with … but at the moment I have no immediate plans to “leave” either SP or this plane of existence 🙂
I’ll still be around to add perspective and wisdom when I can or if asked and to throttle a troll or two when needed.
smackdown dawg
Maybe youre trying to get everyone to subscribe to your point of view
I too really appreciate your posts Dawg. And I like your humour. It helps get things into perspective. Long may you comment here! Zx
thanks for the kind words – i try to relevant and semi-entertaining bu more important I try to bring realistic perspective where i can.
silly dawg
@dawg- everyone loves you here… See how much you’re missed and thought of? Remember though, we are here for you too. It’s not one sided.
I am just one of dozens, if not hundreds of people who have frequented his site who have offered assistance and insight to those who choose to accept it – many of whom no longer come to this site anymore for reasons known only but to them.
many more will come after I stop contributing and they will help and/or hurt – and those names will replace mine just as mine replaced someone who is no longer here.
that said, I appreciate that “you are here for me” – i’ve learned much about people and myself from everyone here.
introspective dawg
@dawg don’t make yourself out to be insignificant. You, dawg, can not be replaced. You’ve done a lot for people on here and offered much guidance….I’m just saying.