What am I supposed to do .Im tired. tired of feeling helpless and worthless everyday of my life i want things to change I dont want to be depressed anymore. I want to go back to how things used to be but I know thats not an option who can help me?
I dont know if i can help you but i am willing to try
okay. I appreciate your help we should talk sometime?
Why, what’s changed?
i feel the same NOTHING seems to get any better i cant keep on like this
Sorry to hear that. Dobt you hate it when something changes. You get so use to how everything is and then it goes and changes out of nowhere. I guess that’s just life. Be strong buddy. Try to adapt. I’m sorry to hear that things are so bad
I know. what changed in your life?
I’m with Darkwillow on this, Be strong. I can’t say that it will get better but it almost has to. At least you should see a slight improvement soon.
sure you want my email?
do you have a Facebook?
not exactly allowed to be on it…..my mom took away my password
Okay well my email is carly341@hotmail.com
mine is stephanie.butler43@live.com
Hi NTOO, sorry for how you are feeling. I dont know why you are feeling the way you do. my best advice, start talking to somebody. let them know how you are feeling. People will listen. I’m all ears if you ever wanna chat. Take care
no one cares.