Is there any way I can block people on here? I’m getting sick of some peoples ignorance and antichrist attitudes namely sumer_rampage and lucy4. Ugh.
Is there any way I can block people on here? I’m getting sick of some peoples ignorance and antichrist attitudes namely sumer_rampage and lucy4. Ugh.
Please log in to report posts
I don’t know, is there no way of reporting them?
well i suppose you could but seeing as sumer_rages kitty porn is still on the site after its been reported several times idk! plus they just come back anyways with a new name and email.
Sadly whoever is supposed to admin this site isn’t blocking all of the things that are violations regardless of everyone reporting it.
Can’t post methods but you can post child porn. Cool guys!
Makes sense doesn’t it. I just tried to post his facebook and it got sent to spam WTF?
Sorry folks, we are not online 24/7, so can only deal with reports when we are by a computer. I know some people’s expectations is every service like this that’s free and being done out of the kindness of someone’s heart should be perfect and never have crappy people post crappy things, but it’s not. We can only do our best — which means there’s always going to be a delay between when you report something and when it gets removed and the user banned (again).
And no, sorry, no way to block someone here at this time…
SPA you are not deliberately not removing post that are being reported that are against policy which is totally wrong. Someone that knows how to create a forum like this needs to create it and tell us about it and this one needs to be destroyed. Thx to this site and the not keeping up with policy people are getting methods on how to kill themselves… Not right!
ahem .. don’t people have the right to kill themselves ?
people have a right to be helped and live a fulfilling life 🙂
I can agree with that .. but what if people no longer want anything to do with life (the good and the bad) ?
Truthbetold theres been ppl to live thru being suicidal and everyone of them will say im glad i lived another day. If you are referring to urself im here for you. I care about you. You may email me at anytime and ill try & respond as quickly as possible. You can tell me scream at me or anything you need to. Im here for you and i care. If it wasnt for a dear friend on this site i would be here to tell you im glad i lived another day. My email is 🙂
I was researching how to block people the other day because of some of the stuff that has been going on and since this is a site built on the WordPress platform no there is no real way to block individual people unfortunately. I’d be happy just to block people rather than having to report them and get them banned, but that’s the only way to handle it on WordPress sites. And yes they will just keep signing up again unless there is a way to do an IP address ban.
I’m sure the administrators here do their best. The only way to get quicker action against bad members is if the administrators are willing (or even able) to create other moderators who will have the power to delete things or ban people. I know I am here almost every day and would be willing to help out when I see something going on but I don’t know if WordPress sites let you assign moderators and things like that.
The main thing everyone needs to learn though is just DO NOT RESPOND to the certain people who have been causing trouble lately. We do not have a built-in Ignore feature, so you just have to Ignore them with your will power. If they make their own post, ignore it, and if they comment on other people’s posts and try to get involved in the conversation, just scroll past it.
Don’t feed the trolls, don’t give them the satisfaction, and then they will not have any reason to come here, because they get their enjoyment from seeing the way people get upset.
I believe it is also possible for the original poster to delete the entire post containing the offending comments.
Maybe you should appoint extra admins to help do the job. Not me though I’m rarely getting on the site.
I’d say point me as an admin if the site admins wanted to but guaranteed I wouldn’t be taking any grief or ignorantness from anybody. We are all here for to keep things on a positive note. that would be strictly enforced.