I know there is a bad economy.i know my family isnt one anymore.i know my eldest brother died trying to build the family a good future.and i know i might never know how it feels to be loved.but i dont care.i dont care because nobody cares.nobody give a fuck about me.i am one worthless ************.and thats the only reason why when i see people turn their back on me.i hate myself for a while and move on.i know my entire family is broke and i know the world is not a place for our kind.i dont belive in hope or a bright future.’cus the only people in my life that would have benefitd from my being successful are either dead or dying i wont give it up no,not for anything.cus i am the last of a dying race.i might die worthless and poor but the fact still remain that i never joined the world in hating me.and i did not join them in destroying me.
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1 comment
Hang in there life can change.