We were made for each other all i ever wanted u to know is i always love u we may be seprated by deeath but when ur gone what i need to hear i cant the only happness get is when i cut myself or dream of u being next to me why r u the one who had to get stabbed why wasnt it me do u know how much i need u my heart is missing u no matter who im with it want be the same even if i am 15 I MISS YOU MARTIN
You arent alone.. I’ve seen it all in this crazy world. I’m only 19 and I’ve lost someone close to me in such a violent way as well. I’ve talked about it in my previous posts..
I know the pain. You arent alone Kimberly
How did u get through it
I didn’t…
Thats why I’m still here begging for answers
well if u need to talk his my yahoo messaher butterflygirl1256@yahoo.com
I sent a request