so ive been on here because of a girl, her name was kaylee and she pretty much treated me like shit for me doing nothing at all. but i’ve gotten over her and im so glad that i did because i don’t deserve any of that crap i found a way better girl that i know is not going to treat me like that. so i hope that girl out there actually realizes how bad she hurt me. like it just hits her one day or she gets hurt with the guy she’s with, just to see how it feels… her lying to me that she wanted to be with me for the rest of her life, yeah right.. i’m not dealing with that anymore.. sure i’ve lost a lot of trust in people now because that happened to me. but it’s just crazy that someone could do so much damage on you for lying.. whatever im done with that and im happy now so that’s all i wanted to say.
Glad you’re feeling better. I’m currently struggling to get over someone who let me down like that but hopefully I’ll get there some day. Not to rain on your parade but the only potentially bad thing I see about your progress is that part of it has to do with meeting a new girl and believing that she’d never do that to you. Every new person you meet is going to seem awesome and trustworthy. Relationships are exciting like that in the beginning. Some day you have to accept that EVERYONE is capable of hurting you just like the last girl did. I’m not suggesting to live in fear and avoid people, not at all, just don’t be so quick to do the whole “hah, I got someone new and they’re awesome and they’ll never hurt me” routine. That’s the quickest way to get hurt all over again because you let your guard down. It’s important to learn that life can be awesome without needing that rush of meeting someone else. But I don’t mean to ruin your fun, enjoy the new girl, just remember nobody is truly an angel.
Thats great that your feeling better.Actually.. its awesome that your feeling happy…its nice to see a happy post every once in a while on here and I totally agree with the comment above (: