just found this site today after crying and wishing i had the balls enough to just slit my wrists… Have attempted a few times but honestly too scared to fully do it. Wondering if maybe I get drunk enough I could. I tried to OD on a bunch of pills when i was a teenager but I just ended up puking and in the hospital. I’ve been depressed and seeing a shrink since I was 8. I am just tired and dont want to do this anymore. I lost my boys about a year ago.. they are 6 and 8 and honestly I dont know why I am living anymore. Whats the point of struggling everyday just to go home and wake up and be miserable again. My friends sister overdosed on asprin but it was a horrible and long death that ended up a week later with her braindead and her sister having to pull the plug. I would love an easy and painless way to die I think about it everyday all day almost.
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