My ex just said she never wants to see or speak to me again Only thing I could hold onto was at least we were on speaking terms. I’m hyperventilating my body is numb. I’m about to pass out and my entire body is shaking. this is what is fine with push me over the edge
Sorry that was suppose to say this is what is finally pushed me over the edge
my ex did the same recently… im trying to hold on as well
It is awful how other people can affect us so much. Try to remain calm, i know this is easier said than done. You will meet more people, better people, people who care about you. Take care and peace.
count your breaths… it helped me…. breath into a bag… that has also helped me…. as well as drinking has helped me…. but not recommended
Well, as much as I’d like to say “hold on, it’ll be better soon”, I won’t, because it likely won’t. If you make it through this, then take whatever you use for endurance, bottle it, open up a shop, and then name your price, because whatever it is you got, you can’t buy it anywhere.
In the meanwhile, the best to hopeful is that your body will at least be nice enough to let you fall asleep early tonight, because this day is shot to hell beyond all recall.
Try and relax, I know that that is a hard thing to do right now, and take your mind off things. Play a video game or watch a film, something which will totally engross you and stop your mind. I don’t suggest drinking, well not right now anyway, cause it’ll make you do stupid things, same with drugs. Just relax and try and put things that remind you of them out of sight
Get out and go for a walk, you gotta get rid of that panic energy. I’ve let relationship problems affect me to that same level before where I feel like I’m on the edge of sanity. Sorry you’re hurting right now but if keeping in touch with an ex was just giving you hope that it would work out or something then maybe it is for the best. You’re in the most painful part of the process right now so nothing anyone can say will really help you’re basically on the shittiest rollercoaster in the world right now you just have to hold on tight and hope for it to pass.
@darkpheonix… your advice is great… well said, for me tho i cant get her or the rest of my past out of my head no matter what i do…
@blaz04 trying to slow your breathing when panic is the best thing, like your bag idea. Whenever I’ve left a relationship I usually shut myself away with films or put my headphones in and go for the longest walk possible. You need to just leave your mind/thoughts. Yes its hard but if you do things which totally engross you then your mind so not be able to focus on the bad/negative and rather focus on what you are doing. But maybe that just works for me
everyone is different, i have tried all you said but nothing happens… i see a therapist but that hasnt helped either…. im lost … the only hope i have is false hope so im leaning on one soultion
I know and I’m sorry I can not help any further. Hopefully in time your wounds will heal and I hope that they do
im at the point where i dont feel anyone can help
Me too.nothing wotks
when is the end? people always say …. “if your guna do it then ud have already done it” …… thats bullshit ….
When my best friend of five years (my only friend at the time, really) it pushed me over the edge and I took a bunch of pills. I lived, obviously but now realize how foolish it was, I shouldn’t have put my life in jeopardy over that. Please wait it out and give things a chance before making any irrational, emotion based decisions. You make better choices with a clear head.
*when my BFF of five years disowned me*