Sure we may not to be able to access to the weapons, or be forced to go and fight, but that doesn’t change the fact that we do. We viciously attack each other in many shapes and forms. Bullying, rape and assault are just some of the extreme ways that some people use to do this. The figures we look up to are the same. Sure they teach us all their good traits and beliefs and aren’t forcing children to kill each other, but it is like Paul says in the book All Quite on the Western Front; “They were suppose to be the ones who would help us eighteen year olds to make the transition, who would guide us into adult life…”. He later goes on to say that they all give us fake illusions about how life (and more specifically war) will be amazing and something that should be participated in. He also makes it very clear that he is pissed off, disappointed and expected better from them, because back in those days it was believed that the elders were older and therefore wiser and knew better. Most of what he said is right. Sure we have learned that they don’t always know better, but it’s true when he said that they trick us into thinking that everything they want is amazing, and if we don’t like it, they fall back on “It will get better”. Personally I believe it is a cop out. You don’t “get better”, you learn to live with it. Thanks to this, the Katniss Everdeens and the Peter Mellaks (the ones who cop the most and still survive) have to learn to live with the bullshit. And what about the Primrose Everdeens, the ones who only don’t go through bad things because someone has volunteered themselves to take their place. They are stuck here with the guilt of thinking they are the reason the bad shit happened to their loved ones, when in all reality, nothing they did was wrong. So who gets the blame then? Is it the Catos (the ones actually launching the attacks), or is it the Snows (the authorities) for “failing” the Catos? I guess in every situation it is different, but something never changes. The Primroses always blame themselves. It’s not fair, but then again, what is fair? Fair is yet another illusion out authorities have planted in our heads. It’s an amazing concept, but we will never achieve it. It just leaves me with one though from a song lyric from the movie. “See these people they lie and I don’t know what to value anymore”. Okay I’m going to stop there because I’m tired, but this was just something that came out of my head after re reading the first Hunger Games book, so I hope you like it.
i never watched that movie, is it a good one?/
The movie is pretty good, but just like most movies, the book was better 😛
speaking for those of us who HATE reading…….. The book is NEVER better than the movie.
To me, it’s not the fact that it is a readable item that makes it better. The books will always have more detail and explain the unexplained and confusing parts, therefore making it better. If the movies explained more than or even as much as the books, I would like them better.
Onion cake
onion cake???
Wisdom does not come with age which is evident by many adults that have yet to learn from their mistakes. Some learn and build on it and some dont. Its hard knowing which elder is full of BS and which know what he/she is talking about. I think you’re right things don’t get better we just learn to live with it. Books beat movies all the time. Sometimes books are more gruesome than the lame movie scenes. AND theres always multiple themes in a book unlike movies which have the basic hero with facing a challenge with some romanc mixed in.
Just to clarify, I know time on Earth doesn’t equal experience, but back in the war times, they believed that. I more meant it as they are expected to know better than to convince us that their way is the only/best way. But I’m glad you agree with most of what I said 🙂
The great thing about books is – you can read about the character’s THOUGHTS and motivations – you get to understand why the character made a specific decision. you’ll never get that from a movie unless it does voice overs like they do in the Burn Notice
common sense can help to weed out the bullshitters and immature adults 😉 trust but verify – with google there’s no excuse for following blindly
direction dawg
exactly! I’m so glad you get it all 🙂
sounds like an interesting reading .. too bad I’m a lazy libra/scorpâ„¢
bahaha fair enough 😛