Just as everything seems to get better, something comes and ruins that little bit of happiness that was finally there. That something is usually feelings either brought up from a comment another person makes or because it just develops in ourselves. It sucks, especially when we were finally happy. Sometimes I guess what we just aren’t meant to be happy.
i agree, depression seems to come back no matter how many times we fight it
Every time I think things are getting better and I am starting to feel happy again it all goes to shit. I’ve been told by people that I don’t want to be happy and Im doing this to myself but its not like that. I want to be happy bit sometimes I have no control how I feel or even know why I feel it. I used to think that I didnt deserve to be happy so anytime things started to go well for me I would sabotage the happy situation…..could you be intentionally destroying your own happiness??
Depression will always be here
I agree with k_ay. I think we can and we do sabotage our own happiness…I guess depression can become some kind of (screwed up) comfort zone. At least it’s familiar. I think life is a struggle for many and one could indeed conclude that we were not meant to be happy. I hope you can find some relief for your feelings SkyRider. Z x