My life won’t change so I must say goodbye to everything.
I felt this desperation many times before.I’m just waiting to calm down a little,like I always do.
My life won’t change so I must say goodbye to everything.
I felt this desperation many times before.I’m just waiting to calm down a little,like I always do.
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Change will come at some point it it takes time and for some reason sometimes takes a long ass time but it usually gets there
I’m sick of waiting
then why dont you try and change it for the better have you tried yo best? why do you desire change so bad?
I keep trying.My situation is so complicated.I’m complicated.Of course I desire change.If I can’t kill myself,I need a good life.
whats you situation everything complicated and well it always helps to talk thats the reason i found this site to talk and you probably did to
Well…My main problem is that I have no idea what to do with my life.And how could a screwed up person like me do something in life?This torments me every single day.
Poppet, no one knows what they are going to do in life and your not a screwed up.
Oh,I am screwed up,Duke.Trust me!
what you mean by screwed up i often think im different that i push people away that im cold to people Try to find what intrests you in life and how you can achieve it i have no idea either so my plan for now is just work i guess which im not at this moment i believe you have it tougher though must be a big burden to carry
I mean…Crazy,different. Nothing interest me that much anymore.I dropped out of school.I wonder how the heck can I find a job if I’m not good for anything.The only way is suicide.But I’m not capable of that,yet.
Maria your nowhere near as screwed up as I am. There is no reason why you can’t put whatever is troubling you behind you. It might not be easy but you can.
I doubt I can.I’m hope I won’t end up in a mental hospital.
I hope*
i feel you i dropped out started using drugs and well even this corner store started selling me alcohol because of how many times i would go in tryin to buy it or saw me ask someone i lost my job and now cant find one sucks thats not whats killing me though Try to go bak to school or ged Still dont get what crazy different as in you act or dress or what anyways suicide aint the only way but who am i to tell you what to do we all know whats best for ourselves ima keep on pushin and trying in life what bout you
If I would not be so isolated,I would probably be a drug addict.I will try to gather courage to end it all.
Yes you can. You kept me company this morning and stopped me doing any work. Just they way I like it.
yeah lifes fucked up huh well i wish you the best on whatever you choose at the end still think you should try but up to you good luck maria
Thanks!Good luck to you,too.
@Duke of Marmalade You didn’t want to work?
No one WANTS to work
I do want to work.I need money!