Tomorrow I have to go somewhere.The problem is  that I don’t like being around people.Ugh..I hate that! This Social Anxiety is killing me!
Tomorrow I have to go somewhere.The problem is  that I don’t like being around people.Ugh..I hate that! This Social Anxiety is killing me!
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Social Anxiety is seriously just the worst thing ever :/
I’m turning into a total hermit and will forget what humans look like soon.
I know,it sucks and can get worse
me too! i like it like this tho
You should check out the first episode of “Welcome To The NHK”. It’s a Japanese anime/cartoon TV show about a “hikikomori”, the Japanese term for someone with such bad social anxiety they shut themselves away in a room or apartment and won’t come out. It’s kind of healing to see something/someone with problems you can understand and relate to. You can find it on YouTube, just search for “Welcome to the NHK eng dub episode 1” and something should come up, just make sue it’s part 1 of the first episode so you get it right from the start
@noom You sound just like me lol
I also don’t like being around people. Even in the biggest crowds, I can somehow still be all on my own.
@Shinjim Do you know if the video is 23 mins long? I’m about to watch it.
I try to calm myself down.I have no choice.Even if I don’t like it I have to go
How do you all handle social situations?
I try my hardest to get out of those situations. I just go hide in my room. But If I had to go somewhere, I would feel awful. I would shake inside and be aware of everyone around me. Thinking everyone is staring at me. I just pull through with it and be strong I guess. It’s so hard :/
The worst part of it is worrying that I’m gonna someone I know. I panic like crazy.
@kalisue the whole episode should be that length, usually they have it cut down into 7-8 minute parts but you may have found a clip that is the whole thing (episode 1 really shows social anxiety well, when Sato the recluse hikikomori goes to his door but can’t open it because he’s having flashbacks of people laughing at him)
@Shinjim Yes I found it and I’ve been watching it. I’m really enjoying it, thanks 🙂
Please let me know what you think. For me it’s touching, darkly humorous and somewhat healing. Episode 7 has an amazing opening as well regarding social anxiety. Episodes 11, 12 and 13 are very dark but in a black comedy way. Sato goes off with a girl he knew from high school (one of the few people he trusts) to a deserted island for what he thinks will be a transforming vacation that will heal him, but he finds out too late that it’s a suicide party (no one dies).
‘sad’ – social anxiety disorder not to be confussed with “SAD” seasonal anxiety disorder,
i had a bad turn today in chester zoo with my kids , was there 2 hours and then bang head come off , to many people to hot , prams , screaming kids every where!!! get the fuck out my way !!!!! arrrrhhhhh
get back to the car turn air con on ….. bit better . come home cold shower….
then back to my bedroom …. thinking about tieing that rope up again ….
dont wana get caught this time
“How do you all handle social situations?”
I don’t have any social situations to turn up to.I used to not turn up if I did anyway.
Try to go,cos the more you avoid stuff,you will be doing it all your life.Get some Valiums from the Doc should help
“How do you all handle social situations?”
I don’t have any social situations to turn up to.I used to not turn up if I did anyway.
Try to go,cos the more you avoid stuff,you will be doing it all your life.Get some Valiums from the Doc should help
It’s finally over.I’m home now!
Maria, how’d it go?
@kalisue I managed to calm myself down.It would’ve been awful if I would’ve panicked in front of all those people.