I’m taking a class right now that requires me to write a persuasive essay on something that I’m passionate about. Â I’m not really passionate about anything but I think about suicide most of the time. Â That not really being a topic I feel like writing an essay about, it got me thinking further and I decided that, legalizing Euthanasia for terminally ill patients, would be a pretty controversial argument to present. Â I would like to present it as being beneficial for the individual as well as society. Â I am asking for anyone’s input on how they feel about this subject whether they are for it or against it. Â Any comments are greatly appreciated. Â Thank you.
I would actually suggest watching this documentary if you haven’t seen it already…
I watched a documentary on netflix about this…if you have netflix I reccomend you look it up it has alot of information on this topic. It has a man in Id say his…60s…not that old and hes got lou gherigs disease i beleive..i cant remember anyway he has to go all the way to switzerland to go through the process.. they make it a very peaceful painless exscape for him.. hes already paralyzed from like the neck down and would have soon lost the ability to swallow and since with legal euthinization you have to be the one to take the dose it wouldnt have been an option at all for him if he waited any longer. Well im not going to tell you the whole story.
Point is, Im for it even more so after watching this.
I’m in favour too butterfly. I actually approached Dignitas myself only a couple months ago. They couldn’t help me because I was ‘only’ mentally ill. That was disappointing, though after spending some time on this site I now understand why. While there’s life there is always hope. What if you had cause to change your mind later? Life happens to us for a reason, it’s up to us to use all our creativity and imagination to find what that reason is…
I’m getting off topic. It’s very hard to find that person who would be willing to help you die. No, actually, substitue that for ‘pretty much impossible’. It goes against all our deepest human instincts. Look how we struggle on this site to talk people off the metaphorical ledge!
I’ve watched a few vids about assisted dying. Google ‘The Final Exit’, or Derek Humphries, they have links to useful stuff to watch regarding euthanasia. Best of luck, Zx
You seem like such a wonderful person, Ive only been here a short time but you seem to try really hard to write to everyone, and offer some sort of comfort. If you ever have any doubt about wether to go on…come back and read ALL your beautiful posts that you have wrote to people on here. You are amazing! 🙂
I can’t believe that some people are actually against it! I guess it’s human nature to say “I don’t care that people are hungry” unless they are themselves.
thank you, so much! To everyone that has spent the time responding to my question. I posted this same question to facebook and guess what…… no responses. xJohnnyChimpo, I really liked the video link you gave me, it’s going to play a vital role in getting my message out on this issue, so thank you again. It’s amazing to me how much this site has helped me at my lowest points and even in my every day issues. I truly respect and care for everyone on here. It just means a lot to me when someone takes the time to listen and respond. Thank you again.
That’s lovely to read Butterflyfly. I’m so glad my words have touched you. I have copied your comment to a file for me to read when I’m feeling down on myself! Zx
Here’s a good place to get info about what’s going on around the world on the subject of assisted dying… dianegoble.wordpress.com