so after so long of not being able to see you i went up there. I knew i was most likely wasting my time, but when i got there this very nice nurse took pity in me, she said she would let me see you because of ezra. she led me to that little room where you all sit and watch tv, or play games. I probably should have figured it out by the was that girl kept looking at me…. the  same look i gave the vet when i was 9, right before they took my kitty away for the last time. we talked for a while but you seemed out of it… when i told you ezra was getting bigger you didnt even flinch. when i went to kiss you, you just sat there… and she walked away. Her name is anna… and she’s your pikachu now. I still love you, I always will. But i cant bring Ezra into such a horrible world. I cant raise him alone. I cant do this anymore. I am ending this pain when i finish that painting of us i started before this whole mess.
Sounds complicated and heart breaking, can you tell us more?