Have you ever dropped whatever you’re doing and just sat outside, staring at a full moon? I did. It was beautiful. So mesmerizing. To me, it somehow resembled hope. It was like the light at the end of a dark tunnel. It made me feel as if my pain is coming to an end. It gave me hope that there still is something beautiful out there. It gave me the guts to keep on fighting. It brightened up the darkness of the night. It was weird. An inanimate object gave me more hope than a human ever could. I guess silence really does speak after all … <3
I kw exactly what ur talking about!!!!! Beautiful (:
– Layne
@bleedtokwuralive it really is beautiful <3
yes! i love the beauty of the moon <3 it's so pure
I did that, and we’re able to do that with what ever we find beautiful. That feeling of beauty creates hope because of the sensations for feel of pleasure that overcome the ugly things that makes us depress.
@Silentblue yep. I guess you’re right. Anyways, its about 9 AM now lol so goodnight. And goodnight SP <3 *MuchLove*
9am, Bluehappiness? That’s a strange time to go to bed, are you on night shifts? I agree with you about the moon btw. Zx
@louise50 – hahaha sorry I just replied I just read this while stalking myself. ^_^ And no I’m not on night shifts, I’m 14 :P. My sleep just gets effed up during the summer XD