If I’d be dead I don’t think anyone would miss me much.
Sometimes I feel like a stranger around my own family.
If I’d be dead I don’t think anyone would miss me much.
Sometimes I feel like a stranger around my own family.
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maria trust me someone will miss you i have to go right now but please email me or comment back on this post but trust me familys are strange i would like to know your story better since a few lines dont really tell much but the fact that you are on this site means alot…
Sweets you would definately be missed. Trust me from experience i can tell you when you’re around family it is the easiest to feel like a stranger or that you don’t fit in. but think about it family is almost always completely different. sure you may like the same kind of food or share a love in music but thats why we make friends they have more in common with us they share our likes and dislikes. sometimes strangers turn out to be the best of friends. take the people on here for example i’ve met some pretty amazing people and i signed up last night! Talk to people on here it is already something you have in common and alot of people will understand and talk. and some of them are funny as hell too. 🙂
I’m a complete stranger round my family now. If anything they make me feel worse. Infact I’m a complete stranger to all of my friends. Think I’ve just become a stranger to myself.
I know how that feels 🙁
@theworstpersonyouwillevermeet It’s sad to say this but I really don’t think there would be someone who would miss me.
@restrictingheart That’s why I always come back here
Good to know but i hope you know that we have now officially been aquainted. My real name is Ashley but you can call me Ash or Ashes because i’m like the freakin pheonix i burn and just become reborn because the God Damn world hasn’t had enough of my lovely personality yet 😉 and you Maria are my new friend and it would not be ok if my new friend left. i would infact miss her very very much. So therefore you are absolutely positively not allowed to leave your new best friend 😀 We haven’t even had a formal ***** session yet which is basically ranting to each other about the bitchy hardships of our world and some of the oh so lovely people that inhabit it. so we really should schedule one of those 🙂
Sincerely- Ash <3
@restrictingheart You’re too sweet,Ash! <3
I’d miss the heck out of you!To be honest and don’t think I’m weird but I’ve always wanted to qet to know you.Are you qonna qive me that chance?Well I’ll never know cause well there be alot of posts over this one and I’ll never know……
@lifeishorrible Really :O?
Yeah,your probably freaked out now huh?
Its funny how often this question comes up on here or some variant of it. Yea people would miss you, and yea eventually they would get over it. Are there people that you would miss if they were gone? Those would be the same one’s that would miss you if you were gone. Its hard especially family, you may not always understand them, you probably don’t always want to be around them, but for some reason its just comforting to know they are out there somewhere and you have that connection lol. I don’t get along with my brother he usually annoys the crap out of me and given the choice I would much rather avoid seeing him as much as I can, I have gone probably years without talking to him…still though it is nice to be able to say that yea I have a brother, and for some reason I would miss him if he was really gone
Ash is sweet, like you say Maria. I’m assuming you’re a girl if you’re going to be Maria’s new best friend? (Assuming makes an ass out of u and me, Zoe, remember!) I’ve noticed his/her comments on other people’s posts elsewhere and found them to be lovely. So thanks for caring Ash.
Maria. I appreciate your presence here too, and would be sad to lose you.
Hahahahah @louise50! Yes i do happen to be a girl although i have met this guy named ashley who was French and he was all big tall dark and handsome with dimples. i might just try to portray him one day just to c how shocked ppl are 😉 lol no but yeah assuming is cool people do it all the time and hey at least you were right! But you know Maria could have a guy friend too! 😉 Thanks for all the sweet stuff you had to say and i just really understand everyone’s perspective i’ve been through alot and i know i just wish someone would have a kind thing to say sometimes so i hope i’m doing that for someone else. Maybe i’ll have the courage to put up my whole story someday. right now i’d probably break before i got through a quarter of it. See ya around! 😀
Oh! and Maria i am totally serious about that ***** session 😉 anytime just find me on a post i tend to comment alot and we we schedule one! i could use a good vent one night.
@lifeishorrible I’m not!
@louise50 Thanks!
@restrictingheart I would love that! 🙂
YAY!!! ok well as i said whenever you would like because i tend to have absolutely no life and am free whenever you want to get this show on the road. LOL ROAD SHOW! Do you wanna dance, sing, or drive our big ass tour bus with the beastly horn tune?! 😀
Same…I have no life.I’m always free.
lol I think that is what I love about all you guys on this site you all have as little going on each day as me, I also have no life haha, well and of course that everyone on here is always so nice 😀
Hey Mr! i made plans to stay home on the computer all day! Didn’t you ? Duh! Besides why would i go out into the world which depresses me to talk to people who anger me when i could just stay here with my big comfy bed and candy and my amazing new friends who understand me? 😀 Love u guys <3
plans yes good Idea I must schedule my computer time I can just switch it back and forth oh looks like its time for my 10:30 appointment of laying in bed with my Ipad until 12 then its back to sitting at the desktop for a couple hours and then at 2 I have to meet with the Ipad again 😀
I’ll miss you 🙁
qosh hearinq yall say that yall have no life Is deppressinq haha.I’d like to think that I have a life haha.Eh life’s what you make It.Like Holly said “there’s more to life then typinq on this screen”or somethinq like that but I’ll always come back to the SP!
Aaawwwesome!I want to qet to know you for the dummiest reason ever!If I tell you your qonna be like oh wow haha.So yeah If you want to find out well here’s my email.hernandez_davis@rocketmail.com
Freakinq moderation thinq!
I sound like an Idiot haha.
@Kalisue 🙂