I’m getting  drunk at the moment. Need to talk to someone about everything , I have someone I can talk to but I’ve never told anyone that I’m suicidal…. What would they think of me?
I’m getting  drunk at the moment. Need to talk to someone about everything , I have someone I can talk to but I’ve never told anyone that I’m suicidal…. What would they think of me?
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i would drink right now if i could everything seems like shit now i hate life for what i always thought was a dumb reason i also ask that question to my self
It’s 3 a.m. Do you know where your kids are at?
I too feel like my reason for hating my life is stupid and that I could be so much worse off… But still doesn’t Change the fact that this feelings overwhelm me and I feel like dying and think of it constantly.
Haha now you know where I got the quote from. With a little modification it works….
hey why you wanna commit suicide
and please dont drink it’s not good for you
tell me your story
i’ll try my best to help you please give me 1 chance to help you
I’ll have to post my story up one of these days before I die… It’s too long and I’m sorry but I feel so down and don’t have the strengths the articulate any type of story regarding why Im here in this position. Also I doubt anyone can help me. I couldn’t help but laught a little when I read the ” don’t drink it’s bad for you” the irony lol…I don’t mean to be insensitive sorry. Thank you so much for responding and caring… I guess. I’ll share my story soon, all in due time.
but ending life isnt a solution
you gotta fight for yourself
you gotta take care of yourself because you are also precious
its your life and you have to fight for it
you have to hold on because you dont know what next moment holds
may be something really precious waiting for you ahead and you just gotta get there
please dont give up when you still have something to give
always remember—-When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you until it seems that you cannot hold on for a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the time and place the tide will turn
and nothing lasts forever neither happiness nor pain so how your pain will lasts forever
just try to hold on because your pain will end soon and you’ll see crystal clear path in your life
and please let me help you
I don’t know how you could help me.
i can but please let me try
Alright… You can email me at leftygirlarle@gmail.com