Hi, I’m action. I’ve been on this site for around 2 years now. No-one really knows me though because I’m not the greatest at making friends. The friends I have in real life, I made ages ago which is kind of lucky I guess. Anyway, I was thinking and… When I’m on this site I feel sort of, kind of… normal, or one of the majority I guess I could say. By that I mean, going through the stuff I do, and most likely you do too (see what I mean). But is it really normal? I feel when I’m on this site, majority of people are going through depression (etc.) and/or want to end their lives. And then I go to the outside world… and no-one’s like me. No-one understands. It makes no sense! Well… It probably does, but it doesn’t to me.
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For us this is normal. I dont know bout others but here for me its like coming home. Every time i take a break from it i always want to come back. But how do u define normal? U can bet someone who didnt feel suicidal or depressed and found a sight like this would think we are weird, freaks and anything but normal. But here we are the majority and on here it is normal. In the outside world depression is normak too its just hidden better out there. Personally i think calling the outside world weird and making no scence is an understatment. At least here there are kindred spirits