i wanna take them and stab them in me and just bleed out…i cant take this much more stress my family is so mean i wanna leave but hate saying “need to die NOW’ ..then never do i want out i wanna be free.. knives i love u..u wont leave me. u will be there for me when i know u r…i dont get this post just pissed
i would really like one of those knives right now
Cut vegetables and fruits. Devour watermelon flesh.
@katiebear12: awwwww. no knives for u sowwie that sad….and sad for me i cant have em either…bf blackmailing me into not cutting or attemptin suicide
@8532110: oo watermelon…ehh ima try not eatin though was called fat by dad again….LET THE FASTING BEGIN -_-
Why would anyone call such an evil looking bear, fat? Do they have a death wish?
@8532110: calls me fat cuz i had lunch today…..death wish….idk i hear them say shit like that but in person its all u cant be suicidal it will make life worse…idk dysfunctional family
Being suicidal makes life worse. How funny
lol living in general just makes life worse, the older you get the more you feel like everything sucks
i’m just tired of crap
Try to focus on something creative – might help.