So I had a meeting with the mental health team in June 2011 then a meeting with the Head Shrink in December 2011 the next? August 2012 which was postponed still waiting! Do they really care? Of course not what a waste of space they are how about doing it in front of their office? That would be good then they could have a seriuos case review and learn the lessons from my case!!
They seriously postponed the meeting? Ouch. I know how much that sucks. You must be beyond pissed because I know I would be. Especially because It seems like they didn’t even read your case file.
I’ve been through a bunch of these things and I know the feeling. They try to tell you all these steps and how you can get your life back on track. They don’t really understand you do they? It pissed me off how even if they read my file they automatically thought they got me and didn’t understand why I didn’t trust them. There’s only so much of the truth that goes into those stupid files.
I’m sorry that you have to go through this situation. I know how grueling and frustrating it is.
I’m here if you want to vent. It probably won’t help everything get better. But it is always easier to talk to people that don’t trust what is on a simple piece of paper. Alot of us on here acctually want to hear the story and see how we can help. :/
\still waiting for a new appointment, the PA I spoke to said that she would send me a new appointment, I asked when she said when she had time, nice to know she cares, nice to know I am important! Just occured to me I am still waiting for my first appointment this year!
Still waiting! Part of me wants to phone them the other half says let them read the obituary. I can imagine that there would be a serious case review, followed by ‘we must learn lessons from this’ followed by ‘we have a new road map’ and finally? ‘we believe in customer service’ sorry the biggest losers are the North Wilts Mental Health Team and their head shrink who thinks that 1 appointment per year will solve all mental illness problems.
I’m glad to hear your spirit Tease54. Youa re bigger than these people…
Been there sweets.
I am struggling with this website! Thanks guys for your comments appreciate we are a pond apart and time zones. I am still here but not for long so I think the rope and the long or short drop why am I bothering? Just curious what are you on drug wise? I am on mirztipane or something when I see my Shrink when ever she just changes the med so I am thinking OD? That would mess up her case notes!