haha I spent the last 20 minutes in the bathroom to! trying to Nair my scalp who knew it would be even slower and more annoying then just shaving…ugh and this stuff reeks, and I missed a couple spots that I had to redo lol ugh Nair is crap never again…I may have to go over it with a razor after this anyway 🙁
They’re going to get me… I can’t leave the bathroom. It’s moderately safe here. But if i leave…
you are hiding in the bathroom Nat?
Door has a lock. Makes it somewhat safe. They can’t get me in here…
yea locks are nice
haha I spent the last 20 minutes in the bathroom to! trying to Nair my scalp who knew it would be even slower and more annoying then just shaving…ugh and this stuff reeks, and I missed a couple spots that I had to redo lol ugh Nair is crap never again…I may have to go over it with a razor after this anyway 🙁
oh and it makes my head feel all itchy and kind of burny…and did I mention how bad the stuff smells? 😀
Yeah… You did. 🙂
haha well then it was bad enough to mention it twice 😀