Most people here ask: “Why shouldn’t I kill myself?”
But I think the better question is –
Why should I live?
Most people here ask: “Why shouldn’t I kill myself?”
But I think the better question is –
Why should I live?
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That’s true. There really is no point to life anyway. I think people are either too ignorant to realize this, or decide to ignore it in pursuit of happiness. People live because it is what we know rather than the frightening unknown of death. And they live for the small bits of happiness that pop up in life every once in a while.
But is constant pain worth a rare gem of joy? (lol that’s going in a poem) In my opinion, no. It’s like watching a movie and seeing that it’s crap, what’s the point of sitting through it if you’re suffering the whole time?
Good point Ludi.
That’s a good question!
That is a good question.I wish I had the answer to it.
hey ludi, i am asking myself the same question day after day. if you want and wish to tell me why . No BS
@behindthesmile: ” People live because it is what we know rather than the frightening unknown of death.”
That is absolutely one of the main factors that I keeping me on the planet. I would readily leave if i knew for sure where I would be going.