Ugh…I hate this world! I feel alienated from everything..I have no idea what I’ll
do in a world I deeply hate.I regret I was born in a world I don’t belong.
Ugh…I hate this world! I feel alienated from everything..I have no idea what I’ll
do in a world I deeply hate.I regret I was born in a world I don’t belong.
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U can change it… Do something about it… What dont u like???? Injustice? Deceipt? Loneliness???
Are u really being alienated or are u that unique person that see the details in the picture the spark that lights a fire in this generation… U can be that person that hates everything but fails to realiize “the way u see the world is how u see urself”… i looked up ur name maria ironically in latin it means bitter but in egypt it means love… Im not religious at all but i mean its almost devine how ur name can two mean entirely different things amazing…. .. Well i personally like egypts translation…
Live like u mean it,
I didn’t know it means ”bitter”…It describes me
????”!!!!!! …. So does love…
In terms of names… Of course
Its ok to feel angry or upset… Use those emotions as fuel to change this place…. Imagine if u become super famous and made a movie about ur life would u want to make me angry and sad and hate u or would u want me to be inspired happy and ready to make a difference.. ??
??hello?? whats ur favorite film and y…
I don’t have a fav
..really… Not even one huh… .. Do u like art??
Would u agree that art is a form of expression??? And artful expression comes in forms of music and poetry by words and also visually in movies and art… Well reading ur past posts i think that ur artistically dark maria.. Ur emotional fingerprints can show the workings of a greek tragedy… … Think batman dark… A horrible situation at a young age has made u realize how bad this world is u then take on a persona… U put on this image of darkness to bring light to ur city… But u fail again and again till the real u dies and all is left is the image of datkness…
But ur story hasnt begun…. Ur image of darkness hasnt even started to right the wrongs…. And u know it… Not to sound like a sadist maria but maybe ur life isnt about being happy or successfull… Maybe its about failure and loss but still being able to put ur mask on another day long enough prove ur point that u cant and will not allow urself to give in to this worlds socially correct views.. Like the dark knight alienated and isolated u seek to find comfort in the fools errand u have been dealt with..
Im sorry i got carried away…
Same here @Maria. I wish i didn’t born. Then i wouldn’t have to feel this suffocation. 🙁
Maria, you know I hate this rotten world as much as you do. But unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to change it. We can only change ourselves. Though, I already think you’re a very bright and unique girl. It’s hard to find people like you and you don’t even see it. I’m glad I get the chance to speak to you sometimes. I wish more though. You don’t say much, but when you do, I’ve noticed that you feel the same exact way as I do about a lot of things. I love it.
Stay as strong as you can, Maria. I’m right here with you.
I second everything Kalisue says there Maria. Your presence is one of quiet strength and is very much appreciated by many. Zoe x