Cut to the chase, shall we? My pennis is only 4,5 inches and I’m still a virgin (28). So, what do you think? Is there still future for me in bed department, or not really?
Cut to the chase, shall we? My pennis is only 4,5 inches and I’m still a virgin (28). So, what do you think? Is there still future for me in bed department, or not really?
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What do you expect people to say? 4.5 is a major setback and being at 28 year old virgin is fucking creepy enough- if you make it to 30 you get to be a wizard though and if you make it to 50 you get to be a lich.
Chances are tht by the time a woman finds out how big your penis is, shes already got you alone and naked so she’s already 98% prepared to sleep with you anyway. So I say just act confident and go for it. Also it helps if you can perfect your oral sex technique (apparently there are magazine articles you can read to help with this… That’s what guys tell me anyway). If you’re really concerned about the virgin thing, just see a prostitute and get it over with. It helps to demystify the whole thing and they are quite used to this kind of request.
*shrugs* who knows life is a mystery
Wow that’s we’ll Instrestinq.I would never…….ever call a prostitute but If I was a virqin and an adult well hell what’s up with the coke and fine ass prostitutes.