I hate feeling this way. I almost can’t take it anymore. If I don’t cut, I’m going to explode. But if I do, everything else will go to shit. And I’ll have one more disgusting scar on my body that I’ll ave to look at every day for the rest of my life. When does this end? Seriously. When will this be over? It’s like the word suicide is my new word for hope. It’s as comforting to me as hope used to be. I don’t have hope anymore. I just have these overwhelming feelings and only one way out. That scares me.
I understand how you feel. I feel the same way but don’t cut. Scars will only make your life more miserable, I would think.
If you feel unsafe and that your a danger to yourself or others then ring a mental health line.
I don’t think I can. I don’t have the courage. Or the will power.