when people disappear mysteriously with no trace of where they went so i stopped in to say goodbye. no wondering
when people disappear mysteriously with no trace of where they went so i stopped in to say goodbye. no wondering
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Stick around Sophie, you would be missed by SP viewers.
I was MIA for 19 days from SP, I went to the brain farm, nut hut, lol, for med management, strangley enough I feel alot better, the suicidal thoughts aren’t looping around in my head constantly. I still have the logical type thoughts of why suicide might be a reasonable choice, yet at least I don’t “Feel” that way right now, wow relief ahhhh.
Caucajun It’s so weird that your here one cause I haven’t seen you In forever! (I think) and I was lookinq at posts back from last year around Oct/Nov and I saw your comments.It’s pretty cool that you’ve been here this lonq.
Sad to cause your still dealinq with this.
@caucajun I’m really glad your cocktail is working for you!
Sophie there will always be wondering even If you die. It will most likely be the ‘what if’ type of wondering. But thanks for your consideration
One of my best friends went Missing 3 years ago.
She walked out of a Waffle House in Austin and disappeared.
They found her car in the parking lot the next day with most of her shit still in it.
Usually she only took in a laptop or a journal or a book, and put her money and keys in her pocket so she didn’t have to carry a purse.
No one saw her walk away, get in another car, being abducted, or anything.
And she was a regular there, so the waitresses and cooks knew her.
The waitress said that when she got ready to leave, she got a coffee to go, paid her tab, told them goodnight, and walked out the door.
End of story.
The waitress didn’t watch her walk to her car – but then she didn’t see someone snatch her either.
And they didn’t have any cameras in the parking lot.
I miss her so much.
Anyone interested, there is a FB page called Help Find Kellie Hall and she is Listed as a missing adult, Kellie Ann Hall, in the missing person’s database.
Kellie, if you are alive, PLEASE let someone know you are alive and okay.
You don’t have to tell where you are or why you left.
If you are dead, I wish you had left a note or something.
I’m so afraid some mental sex freak has kidnapped you and is torturing you daily.
I just hope you are not in pain anymore.
I Love You.